Invest in careers of Millennial fundraisers to avert imminent ‘talent crisis’

The fundraising sector in the USA will face a worsening ‘talent crisis’ if it fails to invest in the career development of Millennial fundraisers.

Continue reading Invest in careers of Millennial fundraisers to avert imminent ‘talent crisis’

NEWS: Review of fundraising ethics must precede major changes to the code of practice

A “systematic review” of fundraising’s professional ethics is needed before any major review of the Code of Fundraising Practice in England and Wales is made, a new paper published in the Journal of Business Ethics argues.

Continue reading NEWS: Review of fundraising ethics must precede major changes to the code of practice

NEWS: Self-regulation should be reformed on advertising industry model

Plymouth University’s Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy (CSP) and its think tank Rogare have called for the formation of a totally new body to write, maintain and own fundraising’s professional standards. Continue reading NEWS: Self-regulation should be reformed on advertising industry model

OPINION: A once-in-a-decade opportunity to give self-regulation some ‘bite’

Adrian SargeantPlans to introduce lay members to the Institute of Fundraising’s standards committee are mere tinkering. Adrian Sargeant calls for a wholesale review of fundraising self-regulation and the creation of a new sector body to own fundraising’s professional standards. Continue reading OPINION: A once-in-a-decade opportunity to give self-regulation some ‘bite’

OPINION: Fundraisers must retain control of their professional standards

Ian copyThe rules governing how fundraisers do their jobs could soon be determined by people who aren’t fundraisers. Ian MacQuillin details seven flaws in the reconstitution of the Institute of Fundraising’s standards committee. Continue reading OPINION: Fundraisers must retain control of their professional standards